Well, before we learn how to use a hashtag, we need to know what a hashtag even is. Yes, we see them everywhere on social media and it seems there is a hashtag for everything but what are they and why are they important. It began on Twitter and was originally a user-innovation that was later picked up by Twitter and subsequently Instagram and Facebook. Even though users began using hashtags in 2007, Twitter did not integrate them into the platform until 2009. Hashtags are used to drive conversations and tag an event or topic. Twitter will propagate results based on the specific hashtag. For example, we want to tag webslaw and be able to track every time someone uses the hashtag, I would simply write #Webslaw. When you look on any social platform and click on the hashtag, you will be able to see all the related tweets. It is truly that simple to create and view a hashtag. Just because it is a simple concept, however, it does not mean that it will stick. Webslaw has internet marketing gurus that can help navigate the appropriate hashtags to use and can monitor them accordingly.
Tweets that include a hashtag are 12 percent more likely to earn engagement and show the highest engagement when coupled with a link. So a hashtag and a link drive more engagements. Some companies and organizations, including the White House, have used a simple yet tedious method of testing hashtag engagements. For example, during the state of the union address the White House testing over 25 hashtags the first night. After reviewing engagement, they narrowed it down to seven the next day. This showed them the topics that were most important to people and what the focus was on during the address. Your firm may not need as large of a strategic plan and can instead test a smaller amount of hashtags. You have to stay committed to your hashtag campaign, including it in other promotions and marketing materials driving users to your social media. Once they reach your social pages, they will also begin interacting and cause a domino effect of more engagement and followers. Some companies will use hashtag polls or contests to engage with followers.
This can seem like an overwhelming amount of information to consider when composing a tweet or post and it can get confusing. You don’t have to worry about this, however, with the help of our professional internet marketing specialists who can find the hashtag that works best for you and your goals. We will monitor the engagement and effectiveness of your hashtags and post so we can constantly stay with the trends. Don’t want to create your own hashtag? We use the top trending hashtags to make sure you are part of the conversation. Contact us today to discuss your marketing options and get you where you want to Google and social media.